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In 2024, TU Wien Racing is offering all friends, supporters and advocates the opportunity to become a sponsor of our battery cells for the first time.

A sponsorship can be purchased in our online shop for €15.  

// EDGE15 Cell Sponsorships

//What is a Cell sponsorship?

Our EDGE15 runs on purely electric power and therefore requires a powerful accumulator. This system uses 280 state-of-the-art battery cells. If you are interested in our project and would like to help us develop the best possible racing car, you can support us with a sponsorship of €15.00 per battery cell. 


Each sponsorship of a cell receives: 

  • - Your own name immortalized on the battery container of the EDGE15

  • - A certificate of sponsorship

  • - A photo of the EDGE15 as a souvenir 

  • - Your name listed on our website


The proceeds from the individual cells will enable us to cover the costs of our newly developed accumulator and head into the next competition season with the best possible conditions. 


We are happy about all sponsors who will accompany us on this journey!

//Cell sponsors

.... open again in November 24!
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