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Newsflash Formula Student East

Dear friends, dear supporters and dear fans!

We are back with a new update from the competition period of the EDGE14.

Formula Student East

After a short breather, we moved on to the next competition on August 1. A 2.5 hour drive brought us to the Hungaroring, the Formula 1 circuit in Hungary, where we spent the next few days. At the campsite next to the track we set up our camp for the next week and immediately prepared for the first program points. So while parts of the team set up tents, put away shelves and cooked dinner, our Accumulator underwent technical scrutineering to check that everything complied with the rules.

We really got down to business the following day, when we first had the first part of the electrical scrutineering. A little later, we were also able to successfully complete the technical scrutineering with a focus on the mechanics. We were also able to give our business plan presentation on the first full day, Wednesday, in Hungary to convince judges of our imaginary company. The end of the day, after the Pre-Inspection and Driver Egress, was the Tilt Test, which we were one of the first teams to finish.

The third day was packed with Statics, namely Cost Report and Engineering Design. Due to our strong performance in the Business Plan Presentation, we were able to prove ourselves in the finals, as we had already done at FS Austria, and finally took the victory. Furthermore, we were able to complete all dynamic scrutineerings with the Brake Test and Rain Test and thus prepare ourselves for the next challenges on the track.

On the fourth day we started on the track. Acceleration and Skidpad got the start, finishing in a strong 5th and 7th place respectively. Autocross was in the afternoon, but unfortunately we had to cancel our round due to a problem. Although, that hard work pays off was proven once again by our invitation to the Engineering Design Final, which is now the second in a row after FSA. Through outstanding performances in explaining the car and answering tricky questions, we thus had the chance to convince all judges of our competence once again.

As we did not compete Driverless in this event, the fifth day was a bit more relaxed for us, as the DV disciplines for teams competing in this category were held and we were able to fully prepare for the Endurance on the next day. The end of the day should have been the first award ceremony, but due to the bad weather, which kept coming up, it literally fell into the water.

On the last day, the Endurance was on the agenda for us, with 22km to be completed, which makes this discipline the supreme discipline of Formula Student. Thanks to a great team performance we managed to drive the whole distance. Unfortunately, however, we were disqualified a short time later due to a problem during the post-race inspection.


Nevertheless, it was a very successful event for us, which was rewarded with top rankings in the statics. For example, we were able to take first place with our Business Plan Presentation, which is a remarkable achievement with 24 other teams in our category. In the Engineering Design final, we were once again able to finish in an excellent third place. Due to these successes and also very good performance in the Cost & Manufacturing event, we were able to achieve first place in Statics overall. All these achievements would not be possible without the support and dedication of all team members, alumni and sponsors. Thank you for that and see you soon in Croatia at our next and last competition.

Fuhrmann Erodiertechnik GmbH Präzision

A buzzword whose meaning becomes clear to anyone who sees our EDGE racing around the track at full speed for the first time. The focus on precision begins at the design stage and is of fundamental importance above all in production. The demand for the tightest tolerances makes manufacturing the planetary gears for our all-wheel electric drive in particular a major challenge. Due to their more than 30 years of experience in spark erosion, Fuhrmann Erodiertechnik is exactly the right partner for this task, on whose advice, expertise and precise manufacturing we can rely. Thank you very much and here's to a successful cooperation!

Bis dahin! Euer TU Wien Racing



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